(Volt) Voltage
It was dark upon the city streets. The city was known as Voltage and was at war with the Tories. Voltage were normal people standing there ground in war. While the Tories charged thair walls. The Tories were odd creatures with weird body shapes. The Citizens stand thair ground with swords, bows & arrows and shields. But in time the Tories broke threw the castle wall of Voltage and began killing the citizens in an amazing fighting style. The city was getting over runned with the Tories as they kept coming. Almost all the citizens of Voltage were dead. There was only a few left with barely any weapons. The citizens knew they were going to die, but they still stood thair ground. They kill hundreds of Tories. But soon enough they got cornered and were ripped from thair limbs. All the Tories were banished after all the citizens were dead. After a day. The citizens of Voltage was reborn in Tori form! The citizens of Voltage were confused. But the strangest thing happened to Voltage that one morning. A portal to what it seem to be the Tories world. It was known as TORIBASH. The citizens entered the World and became a Clan of Voltage.
1:no scamming
2:no trash talk
3:respect your members
4,post frequently
5;no trolling
6;if you have a problem report to knightstar
or Movester
knightstar/ Movester (leaders)
Donation to the clan every Saturday
(minumum 350TC)
Name : (optional)
1 Age:
2 Belt:
3 Why do you want to join Voltage?:
4 In-game activity (1-10, 1=bad 10=best) :
5 Forum Activity(1-10, 1=bad 10=best) :
6 Any previous Clans?:
7 And if you were in previous clan why did you leave? :
8 What can you do for the clan?:
Last edited by Bulous; Nov 6, 2012 at 06:08 PM.