Original Post
[B] Your stuff, with 80000~Tc , 1000~Qi.

I buy everything.

Remember that I've only 1000Qi, 80000Tc.

And please, follow these rules:

A) No flaming, trolling, spam, warez, porn, useless-posts, double-posts or self-advertising.

C) Do not attempt to sell, or pay with items or Toricredits that are not in the inventory of the account that is posting. No; "It's in a bank account".
Last edited by Mccqa; Nov 4, 2012 at 10:11 AM.
Originally Posted by torin1nja View Post
All my STuff

Activated included? If yes, then I'll take both Minihawk for 14.000. Full orc 1.900.
Last edited by Mccqa; Nov 3, 2012 at 12:07 PM.
Forget Toxic... Its reerved to friend.

Cant go lower than 5k on Copper as i have offer of 5k but that guy isn't online atm so cant sell it to him...

Originally Posted by zapekk View Post
Forget Toxic... Its reerved to friend.

Cant go lower than 5k on Copper as i have offer of 5k but that guy isn't online atm so cant sell it to him...

Originally Posted by Flosax View Post
Blood vodka (collector item)


Uh, Vodka? Sorry, celebrating only next week. No thanks.

Bugimen - 47k.