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Add motionblur and servers changes...
Hello , I was thinking about some realistic and helpful ideas for TB 4.4 or 4.5 . For increase gameplay realism Hampa could add motionblur option.

And a big server changes that will help many peoples from other contries like Brazil , russia , etc , is: Create servers choosing a main country , with the command /country [Name of the country] (i.e /country spain) Then it will show in the Multiplayer list : Desc | Room | Mod | Players | MinBelt | MaxBelt | Country |

If you couldn't undertand my perfect english , this should be more simple:

- Adding motionblur
- Adding server's country (i.e brazil)
Last edited by suomynona; Jan 2, 2013 at 01:25 AM.
Motionblur isnt exactly the best idea, and i dont understand the country thing
My signature was too long so I got this pretty rainbow here instead now. Isn't it nice? This is a nice rainbow.

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I think he means a server where people with like Russian IP's can join. But it would be private. JUST for those IP's.
How would adding motion blur increase realism?
And, making a sort by location option in the browser just pure pointless.
Sorry about my bad english , let me explain the server thing with an image:

Its to make people find a server with an language that he understand , russiam players will probally join in russiam servers.

Originally Posted by Teburu
I think he means a server where people with like Russian IP's can join. But it would be private. JUST for those IP's.

Last edited by Toriality; Jan 2, 2013 at 01:39 AM.
Country would be pointless, the servers are all in Germany so it'd just be a massive list of Germany as default. Other than that, password the room & only allow people from that country or summit.

As for motion blur, it'd be possible if pixel shader support was added to the game's engine. I've tried bugging hampa for it many times.
As a note for motion blur PS - you'd require a fully functioning DirectX 9 GPU (to put it into simple terms) to be able to handle it.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Originally Posted by SkulFuk View Post
As for motion blur, it'd be possible if pixel shader support was added to the game's engine. I've tried bugging hampa for it many times.
As a note for motion blur PS - you'd require a fully functioning DirectX 9 GPU (to put it into simple terms) to be able to handle it.

Doesn't the raytracing already use pixel shader 3?
"I am now officially a pirate." ~Gamer.
Originally Posted by MrPirate View Post
Doesn't the raytracing already use pixel shader 3?

Originally Posted by Game - Performance - Toribash Hardware Requirements & Updating Drivers
Toribash requiers a minimum of 128MB's of VRAM.
Toribash requires Shader model 2.0 for 'Shaders' to run, and Shader model 4.0 for RTRT.

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