Original Post
Opponent's visible ghost.
Just a suggestion good for sparring/parkour/Tricking or something
There is an option in game rule's that allow's you to see the other player's ghost when they click a different joint it would make mod's like Sparring a whole lot more fun.
That would be cheating, because they move to the side, then you move to the side, making them unable to hit you.
~Not Supported.
Originally Posted by omegadark1 View Post
That would be cheating, because they move to the side, then you move to the side, making them unable to hit you.
~Not Supported.

Originally Posted by Dobby View Post
Like they said, it would be like cheating and defeat the purpose of the game.

~Not supported

^ And It would infuriate the other person.
it might cause lag due to continuous downloading of the opponents joint state esps when the other player keeps on changing moves.
~knight zero~