Original Post
ye i have a screenie off like 5 ppl with the tag HAMPA_FUCKER

didnt kno if it was against the rules or wut but here it is
Attached Images
screenie.JPG (37.6 KB, 135 views)
Wait, what?
It looks like a clan tag?
Last edited by volt; Jul 2, 2008 at 07:19 PM.
Hi. I used to be a damn good mod (wayback 2008 and earlier) and then veb made me not a mod.
Been playing competitive Team Fortress 2.
Ha, little hampa haters most likely.
[ s p i r i t ]
wonkwonkwonkwonkwonkwonkwonkwonkwonk♥♥♥wonkwonkwon kwonkwonkwonkwonkwonkwonk

Let me explain:
Its Russian clan =\ , used some Hax to make 90000 clicks on for their clanmate [Btc]macPerfecT. Were banned, of course. Got angry. Fools. Saying now, that it was a glitch
Last edited by Hector; Jul 2, 2008 at 07:30 PM.