My suggestion Is close 500 TC tourneys forever because that affected our market too much, now everyone is rich and Its hard sell some Items.
For me the best toribash times was without 500TC tourneys, only 10TC for each win on official rooms, that was really fun, now everyone have full textures, trails etc...
Some tourneys like 7k/3k should be enough.
Also, if all people have alot of tc, whats the point of use credits?
The idea of joint textures is cool but not for all joint, because that make people edit all joint colors and that will affect market too, maybe keep only some joints like chest and pecs, also, I think 5USD its too low for that Items.
People are against 500-750TC tourneys, now, because without them it's harder to run public rooms.
I used to have 5-8 people in my public rooms and now I have no-one.
They're also against them because the cheap moves people do.
They hate them now because too many people join them and not your rooms.
I'm also, against them because there are too many people using them to get way rich, I mean who can beat them, possibly?
I think they should be taken down because I'm in 3.9, and I'm kinda sad because I can't see them.
I don't like them because the possibility is endless, just like Molotov putting weird joint textures on.
Joint textures are a vulgar thing according to possibility.
BlueKill: cheap this easy to get = no fun... Soo, Why people dont buy Gladiator force and buy demon?
Also, the real problem is not about market but the fact of people dont play for fun on 500 tc tourneys...
Everything was more special on old times... Only some people with full 128 etc...
I think its better that these tourneys exist!
Well...I play this game now for about 4 years and I remember the beginner times....
It's so hard to earn some TC without tourneys and stuff....