My friend is cutting his wrist (you know those emo shit stuff).
Well, yeah I'm the only friend he has in school. He gets bullied everytime, same in school and in his house (parents)...
I don't know what to do now since he kept on cutting it almost everytime.
I need your help guys!
I don't know how to stop this. I don't even know why he cuts D: It's uncool! ><
Isn't it a bit odd to ask for help, for serious situation like that, on this forum?
You should contact some social service instead.... >.>
And how are they not involved already? I mean, someone must have noticed, beside yourself, that he's cutting his wrists...
If I were to suggest something on my own opinion, I'd try not to include anyone else into the situation if it's not too serious.
For now, just talk about it in a subtle manor, and see if you can get him to open up.
Also, the general populace (especially those who aren't adults) are unimaginably idiotic when it comes to things like this. :/
I highly recommend defend him, or make him be friends with other people or something so more people will like him and think he's cool and stuff, and more people defend him yay! or something.
Mean reply:
Let him bleed, it's not like the little shit will ever amount to anything in life, I hate emos, fucking acting like their lives are hard, when they live in the lap of luxury in the first world.
See that clean water you just cleaned your slice marks with? Starving chilren in haiti don't have even that, and they're not cutting themselves. Fuck.