Original Post
[B] Azurite and Platinum Items
Hello everyone. Today I am buying Azurite and Platinum colored items.
I would be interested in full sets and packs as well, but I may not have enough tc for that. Unless you are willing to accept PayPal USD, It may not be up for discussion.

Already purchased:

Azurite dq
Azurite force
Azurite timer
Platinum primary gradient
Platinum relax
Platinum secondary gradient
Platinum usertext

If you have an item not on this list, I'm interested in purchasing it.
I am paying with tc, and up to 90k total to spend.
Last edited by Shmevin; Apr 4, 2013 at 07:32 PM.

After looking around previous threads for Azurite, they either end up not selling or getting poor offers.
uhhh it's plat >.<
And 10k deal? come on that's half of one gradient off of the market price for both :P
<13chillz> Grab a crayon and go zoom zoom
Yeah, I meant Platinum, sorry.

I still would like to buy for 8. Market prices are unreliable, and overall a terrible price guide when selling items on the forums.