Hi, and welcome to my shop!
Here I will be buying/selling/trading items!
My TC can be found by clicking on THIS
Do not post a offer to sell me something if I do not have the toricredits for it!
Please put [Sell] or [Buy] by what you are offering so I will know better .
If you do not want to haggle, please put (not hagglable) by your offer.
I will buy:
Full Sets
void misc
Demon misc
Texture Items
What I will not buy:
Chronos stuff
Orc stuff
Gladiator stuff
Gaia stuff
GUI Texture items
DQ texture items
Pure items
Ok. What I am selling is:
10k Qi + Stuff:
I am also selling empty sets for 6 TC each. I got about around 40 of them, so yea.