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Ninjutsu and Taekkoyn Tournaments.
The only tournaments i see going on today are Aikido, Twinsword and Judo. What happened to Ninjutsu and Taekkoyn. TBH Ninjutsu and Aikido were the most strategic mods for tournaments. Judo and Twinsword is fun but i think we need to add challenge back into the tournaments because Twinsword and Judo all depends on your starter. Better starter = Match Winner. Aikido, Taekkoyn and Ninjutsu took some kind of strategy to win. But why did they remove Taekkoyn and Ninjutsu. If they weren't popular mods for tournaments thats understandable but i thought tournaments are meant to be a challenge. Thanks for reading.
Any opener can be countered. Claiming a mod is dominated by specific moves is on par with claiming shovelling is cheating.

Tournament mods get changed around on occasion, and sometimes the servers fall over & the room vanishes. Nothing wrong with having some fun mods on them, the game needs more people actually having fun.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Im not saying they shouldnt have fun. Im just saying for those who like a challenge we could bring back the No Grab mod, Ninjutsu. or the Kick opener mod, Taekkoyn.