Once uppon a time... Oh, just look at this amazing high detalized(also high quallity) set. Not everyone can afford deffence of platinum and gladiator's powers.
Size: 512x512
Recolor: 50k.
Artist: X-ray
Price range 100-250k.
Tc as payment.
Tip: Screenshots uploading automaticly.
Pics: http://zalil.ru/34611320 http://zalil.ru/34611325 http://zalil.ru/34611328 http://zalil.ru/34611331
It's a legit offer. I see way more detailed sets on a daily that are 40k-90k. You are asking 100k-200k. Sorry but I think no one will buy THIS set for anywhere near that much....
Alive and Kicking again, [SECRET], former artist, I lose all my matches.