Original Post
replacing forum status by something usefull.
i don't know why it was added since it's quite useless thing anyway. i believe it should be replaced by something useful...

like CLAN ICONS (with same resolution)

let's say you will had to pay some amount of tc to be able to upload a clan icon, and may be only clan leaders will be able to do that etc

i'm sure alot of clans official and unofficial would love to have their own clan icon displayed next to their name.

or like this

Last edited by snake; Aug 2, 2013 at 01:48 PM.

i mean something like this, may be i messed up some stuff in explanation, but i think you can get what i mean by this picture.
You just added your clan's logo there...but meh,it looks good and it actually shows your clan pride, SUPPORTED
✦RIP -zzzkie, I'll miss you 2012-2015 #neverforget.✦
👼Proud owner and leader of [Ascend] with my brother, Nevramon👼
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This is how it's done on some other forum. Just a little logo of your clan, probably doesn't take much bandwidth.

ehem... Warning points can be seen only by account user.
I was a bad boy.
Yeah, the mood thingy is pretty useless and I can see the little custom image being really cool.

Considering the fact that user customization like usertitles and signatures require toriprime/VIP and are ultra expensive otherwise, I would assume that this could be an extra perk for toriprime and cost something like 25,000 tc otherwise since it's pretty small.
I love this idea. Moods could go away, join dates could be only viewed if you click someone's profile, idc. Just make some space for this sexy thing :o