The problem isn't with the goons anymore, It's with the Idiots.
After reading through the last few pages of crap in the 19 different spam threads in discussion at the moment, i've noticed that the goons are responsible for about 1% of the current problems. Yes, they came here and made a few spam threads, but now, if you read through the current wave of shit, you'll notice that
most of the spam isn't being posted by the goons anymore, but by the community.
The truth is, that all of the resident idiots, who previously lurked in the hall of shame, or didn't post, have come crawling out of the woodwork to spam the crap out of the forums, knowing that they won't get reprimanded for it.
Most of the goons are fine,actually, and just want to have some fun, especially since the initial spamming has worn off as a novelty now.
As i said, the problem now is all of the idiots who are taking the opportunity to post pages and pages of shit in what was a fairly worthwile part of the forums. A bit of fun is one thing, but it's got out of control because of the retarded part of the community.
Will this turn into another spam thread and prove me right, or are the stupid people not as stupid as i think they are ?
Last edited by H4rl3quin; Jul 23, 2008 at 05:16 PM.