Original Post
A difficult Question
Hey guys, I just came up with a few really difficult questions and I think it will be really really interesting to read your answers.
Here you go.

Imagine the terrorists invade each single country all over the world and kill everyone who does not follow their rules.
Now the terrorists force you to kill your mom to save your own life.
What would you do?

That was the easy question.

Now imagine this terrorists force you to have sex with your mom to save your dad's life.
Would you do that?

Or would you fuck your mom to save your own life?

And what would you do if your mom had aids?

And now imagine your mom is the terrorist and forces you to fuck her or she will kill your dog.

And what would you do if your dad makes you masturbat at your grandma's corpse?

Well, and now imagine you are a girl and your dad sticks a knife into your cunt and fucks you from behind just because you didn't kill your mom.

Think about it.
1. Id kill my mom
2. Id not have sex with my mom
3. Nope
4. I said I wouldn't
5. I don't have a dog, I have cats
6. Id do that, only if he wasn't watching
7. Im not a girl, and I did kill my mom.

hm you fail at comprehending that this serious question are not related to each other.
and you suck at imagination.


fucking nazi
someone just took intro to philosophy

or wants to fuck their mother. Is that was this is? your sexual fantasies?
how o `clock is this about to write me a letter?

i would not like to f.u.c,.k you mom because she is fat :!
Because she is fat terrorost she can not kill dog because dog is fast and can bite here into her mime (mumu)(Vaginalkarzynom)(something like krebs)(cancer)
then i would kill you and somejews . because the terrorsit is jewish site of the cake .
then i would take my dog and go to alaska ,where i would use the forbidden door to the forbidden jewish palace is where inuits (fleischfresser)(meatballverschlinger)(twist)Eskim os are .(army of eskimos. )
(in ice) freezed 500000 years ago only to kill the J.E.W. (Jesus Enigma Wichse)
Then they would kill all terrorists and you could be dead because you are making the finanzen.
Hmm, a nice point of view.
But I don't agree.
The terrorists are not jewish but muslimisch which means we got a massive schweinebärmann attack into the great house of jews
the little jewpigs are the richmen so they got muslems as bodyguarts which will commit suicideattacke which means the meatballverschlinger in kasachstan will be defeatet by cybermonks
the only chance to destroy the terrorists is too invade kukkel (kkk) to seek them through the matrix.

i want to make sure that jews are not terrorists
jews are rich men
jews are controling you
jews can fuck you in the ass
i know you are not the till schweiger man

you will die because of stupidity , that doesnt make scene , ,,...jews are rich ?
where in nazigold ?
or in buttistan .
Nepo says gaylords are cats without dicks . like nepo