Original Post
Clan group shot.
Hello torigods, i can see you guys dont have a clan group shot yet, so i would like to make you guys one.

If you want to be in it, post a picture of you posed, turn all blood off, and do /op hud 0 and /op uke 0

If you have a certain banner you want to use, post it, otherwise ill use your clan logo.

Any questions feel free to post, otherwise, only post if your going to post your pose.

I do not need to be paid, i am bored, i need something to do, you can pay me if you want, but you dont have to.

Thank you all. Sepulcher.

Here are my examples:

Aff you hack

We already have a groupshot, here, but we are in "separated slots".
However, either Zaarock or me could do it, but I don't think it's necessary because there's that one.
Thanks for your interest though. ;)