Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
Timed Mute and Timed Ban
Hey guys! So, I came up with this great idea. What if you only wanted to mute someone or ban someone (you can add to these ideas) for a specific amount of time? What if you can add a number to the end of /mute example or /ban example to keep it at those settings for a certain amount of time? The number could be seconds or minutes or hours or whatever (Dev's choice). It would look like this: /mute example 10 (for maybe 10 minutes) and then it would say back [Oblv]TBashDude muted example for 10 minutes, and if you wanted to cancel it early, you would say /unmute example and it would say back [Oblv]TBashDude unmuted example early. Of course, if you wanted to use a normal mute or ban, like we have now, you just wouldn't implement the number afterwards. Please reply with feedback. Thanks for reading! See ya!
Last edited by TBashDude; Nov 9, 2013 at 02:50 PM. Reason: Lazors stop editing my post please
•You're bananas!
I like this idea because sometimes server admins will forget they muted somebody and forget to un-mute them (happened with me once). It can also help give people who were banned second chances to redeem themselves without the admin having to remember that they banned a person then un-ban them.
