Original Post
Returning player
Hello everyone, I played around a year or two ago under the username Gbleek (anyone remember me?). I established myself relatively well during my time playing; I wasn't "famous" and I wasn't a moderator or anything but I was well known.

I was runner-up in an official Toribash event, second behind my friend Boredpayne (who went on to become a moderator; me and him played a whole lot, I learned much from him and was lucky to have had him as my torifriend). It was a medival times themed event where every moderator was a "knight" and each would be on at a specific time, you had to go and beat all of them in different mods in order to be champion.

My goal as a toribashian was to collect texture sets (did alright at that, got up to four even though I sold them off. Was always trying to scrape the bucket for TC) and.. well, just get good. My stupidest mistake in this equation was trading off 70k TC for a set that was all c/p pretty much.. just because it was my rival's (Demmon07) set and I felt like I was "beating" him in a sense by taking what was his? I dunno, I was younger and stupid. He traded me his set back for this cool robotic set that I have now that I can't sell because IDK the artist and there's no head :/.

Anyway.. I'm back now and just looking to start off where I left. I suck now, though, can only play aikido decently ;-; looking to find another toribuddy that ends up being as good as boredpayne was so I can learn stuff from them xD. So, hi, I'm Gbleel. Kudos to you if you read all this.
hey welcome back, I'm emily, come meet me in game some time Eh? lol msg me some time kk
Howdy, I'm Mod Squad & The Social Media Manager @ Nabi Studios , if you have any modding or social media questions PM me or DM me on Discord: Matarika#5297
Gbleek i'm pretty sure i know you but welcome back
"raawr says the dinosaur right?"
Welcome back ^_^
✦RIP -zzzkie, I'll miss you 2012-2015 #neverforget.✦
👼Proud owner and leader of [Ascend] with my brother, Nevramon👼
Check out my 🎧 FREE💃 sound request shop! - I have a lot of art (like, 45+ heads and a few sets) for sale! PM me for them!