Original Post
What is qi?!
what is qi

it's telling me I am unable to buy items from the market until I gain more qi? What is this and how do I gain more?
Head shop here! All heads made by me!

I Didn't know it would be so hard..
QI is how many games you have played. To get more, just go ingame and play a couple of games. And yes, you have to gain more qi to buy those high qi items.
I hope this helped.
Last edited by tylercoon; Jan 12, 2014 at 11:00 PM.
Well, IHurtFatKids, QI is basically a little point you earn after a match. The more you have, the higher the belt you are. To earn QI you must play in-game matches.

Hope this helped.

Thanks for Ninjaing me tylercoon..
Pickled is alright
And fresh is quite a delight
You can also buy Qi with USD via PayPal if you want but it's frowned upon by the community because you didn't earn it. Here's a link to it.
Buy me food and tell me I'm cute.