Original Post
[VID] poison

Program used : Vegas Pro 12
Song : Thriftworks - Daydreams

And yes, you probably can't see anything, right?
Replays by Osiris, Nearly and Internet.

Sly said this is my best one.

And this thing over here you are reading, Is just for Tyzi, if you're thinking to post some crappy cnc that doesnt help anyone, no need for it.
Thanks bye.
Last edited by Jorice; Jan 26, 2014 at 07:17 PM.
fish crab fish crab fish crab fish crab fish crab fish crab
[1:04:32 PM] slykuiper: really nice :D
[1:04:36 PM] slykuiper: 0:27 replay too dark tho

It wasn't too fast or too slow, the effects don't make the edit worse, and it's a lot different from your older videos. The old ones used to have a twitchy/glowing CC that looked gross. Your recent uploads are pretty good c:
camera got way too far in the first replay

i dont know why everyone is mirroring stuff after veliar made his video, but i dont like it
keep your videos centered, not sure why youd make us watch stuff to the far right or left w/e
0:40 rendering probz

also thank you arthur for saving dupbuck you are a hero

EDIT after you edited your post after i posted here: ur smell and u shud whine more
Last edited by TyZi; Jan 27, 2014 at 09:28 PM.
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

What ^

Anyway, cc was nice but like tyzi said, try and keep it centered

I personally hate the mirror effect because it's too distracting but others might disagree
I say that there's no problem with the mirror, or the shader, everything's clear as it should. I think that the song has been used before in another video (And it wasn't), but anyways, I think there could've been more sync to it. Nice video, I say.
Last edited by Sluup; Jan 28, 2014 at 08:39 AM.