Original Post
[S] Dust Rain Flame
Pretty self explanatory.
Selling an rainbow (considered as) rain flame, dunno if its still working since its a bit disappear but work properly in shaders.
Accepting TC + Items Only


Considering I know what you bought it for, and that - as Shevs said - flame can be forged for a little less than 120K, I'll do 45K.
Originally Posted by Creati0n View Post
Considering I know what you bought it for, and that - as Shevs said - flame can be forged for a little less than 120K, I'll do 45K.

110k then. y you quit aether? clan hop?
PM'ed. (for those of you who are wondering, no. I didn't apply for [TGS] ._.)

What's Shockey's offer?
I may counter.