Original Post
[S] Selling (1+1/3) Million TCs ; PayPal
My TC:

Read the rules!



Selling TC, once again.

Normal price is 7,000 per, 1$ for small buys.

Higher rates possible for bigger investments.

Current rates

7,000 for <200k
7,250 for 200-300k
7,500 at 300-400k
7,750 at 400-700k
8,000 for >=700k

This is not a haggle competition. If you suggest a price other than what is on the table, there's a cumulative 2% decrease for, the next refreshing 30 days, for disfavoring doing deals that I could make with you.

If you are too new, I won't sell to you

If your record is not clean, I won't sell to you

Thanks and PM me for finalizing a deal, so we won't spam the thread.
Last edited by Jire; Mar 30, 2014 at 04:22 AM.