Original Post
Ping's Dictionary
The official Dictionary of Ping.

muchly [muhch-lee] - a - very much; muchly

reversibleable [re-vers-i-blee-uh-bl] - a - able to be reversealbed

sirap [ser-app] - n - a mixture of maple syrup and soap drank for easter in greenland

splendificent [splen-dih-fih-sent] - a - splendid + magnificent; incredibly wonderful

Submissions must not belong to the "Webster's Dictionary", and they must include credit to the origin of the word (via IRC, ingame, forum post, etc), definition, pronunciation, and type of word (adjective, noun, verb, etc).

Destribution rights belong to Ping Inc. Any and every person selling, destributing, or profiting off of this dictionary will be punished by the Elders of the Tribe. ~Ping

Last edited by Clay; Apr 27, 2014 at 09:50 PM.
Director: Dr. Soap
Publishing team leader: Dr. Liquidoom

Bachelor Ping
Professor Aracoon

Our sincere thanks to the Inq committe and its members (Professor Aracoon and Mrs. HolyButler)!
Copyrights: PING INC, 2014

Any entries may be submitted in this thread

Last edited by Liquidoom; Apr 27, 2014 at 02:48 PM.
Help Squad | Companions | OFRO
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Thank god this was made, I was about to make it. May this thread thus forevermore educate the people of the toribashian community.

I have a special offer for those people who are of wanting of a handmade copy of this marvelous edition of a dictionary. I am willing to hand-make 10 copies of this dictionary and send them out to people! Along with a handwritten letter of appreciation, hand signed, by yours truly, Ping.

All this for a splendificent offer of $19.99 + S&H (20k TC). You will never feel more educated in your life then if you put this beautiful dictionary on your shelf, or right next to your computer!

Any donations to the Ping's Dictionary Funds are muchly appreciated and go towards the making of this dictionary for public use.
Last edited by Ping; Apr 27, 2014 at 06:03 AM.

sexylicious [sex-E-lish-us] -a- sexy + fergalicious

(Found ingame)
"He is more sexylicious than Note!"
"Did you see zEvilNacho? She is so sexylicious!"

*All sentences used have absolutely no truth in them, and therefore should not effect views of players or employees of PING Inc.
goodbye cruel world
Screenshots are needed

and that word is much too silly for this dictionary. the word will usually be a mistake, and a drastic mistake at that. if not, it has to be fairly original. like sirap.
Originally Posted by Soap View Post
Screenshots are needed

and that word is much too silly for this dictionary. the word will usually be a mistake, and a drastic mistake at that. if not, it has to be fairly original. like sirap.

Grrr. Fine, I'll be on the lookout.
goodbye cruel world