Original Post
The Great 128

Story and Rules

- Fenris - Yiazmat - BenDover - 13chillz - Dengue - ZeTo - Pheature -


Congrats to the winners! Its been a great contest!
All remade head textures are claimed by winners, they are free to sell, use or give away their textures.
All entry head textures including the winning entries are free textures from this point on.

1st Place:

ManTrain - AstroCat


One 512x Head Texture Item
150,000 TC

2nd Place

ThePirateKing - Rolling Rubber


One 256x Head Texture Item
50,000 TC

3rd Place


One Hundred 128x Head Texture Items
20,000 TC
One Santa Hat

Donated prizes have been sent out.

Thanks to MRootz for his wonderful bannerism
Last edited by TomWanks; May 29, 2014 at 01:37 AM.
You make any 128 by 128 head texture and if you win, its made again but in 512 by 5 different artists. So basically its remade by each judge, and you win 80K too.

Its not based on skill, and its not based on how good the art is, rather the design and how cool it would be as a legitimate 512 texture made by someone like 13chillz.
The point is to make a head texture that impresses the judges. come up with something original, or really cool that you would want to wear. You don't have to be really good at art, just have good ideas and make a 128 px head in paint

-ninjas everywhere...
concept and design have more merit than the actual finished result.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-