Original Post
[Art] quickie
hey, this one took me about 6 songs.
Cnc but please dont say messy, muddy, needs more detail. Its supposed to look like this

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photoshop and a default brush.

about 40 minutes here.

Last edited by Pheature; May 6, 2014 at 06:12 PM.
very cool
nice shading, but i wish you would sharpen up the right side
don't talk to me or my dudes ever again
Like it alot^^ you did great on the lips and sholders, thought the face is almost
too round and the neck seem to be missing the trapezius muscles.
Love ruff drawings, keep up the great work
"the south will rise again" -millie
Flipping the background would better suit the lighting on her face. But I bet you're in it for the contrast (soul read).

Also, add tentacles and other sexy shit.
If you extend it and make her a hot bbw I will shower you with many tc.
i shall work day and night, i wont extend it t00 far tho, you cheeky bastards ;*
Last edited by Pheature; May 2, 2014 at 06:07 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump