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in-game whisper
hey there Im having problems
you see my clan is having a war now but the room is full and none of my clan members are caring about the forums so I suggest this
for example:if I wanna tell them from a room to another I type /whisper name and then warn them

and sry because I suck at english
I never forget.
That exact command already exists...

/whipser <name> <message>

Another chat tab opens up, and you can swtich between server chat and whisper by clicking on the icons.
[Team Wushu]
Pm me any questions! I will be happy to help.
Originally Posted by RedRebel24 View Post
That exact command already exists...

its work when recipient in other room ?
bcoz birno talks about whisper that work not only inside the room
and i support this
Also, irc and Skype exist.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.