Original Post
[VID] S e l f i s h

Hi my other video. I'm beginner edition more ... I'm Improving
More I just want to ask you to attend to my video and comment and criticize WHAT found please. And dem me tips to Improve it can of course

Thanks to all

Programs Used
Sony Vegas Pro 12.0
Toribash 4.8
The edited parts don't really go with the music too well, I've noticed these videos are better when it does... Also, the camera is a little close to the toris when you were recording, other then that, not bad!
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The transition screwing up can be fixed by closing and reopening SV

I'd suggest learning how to do screen pumps, also the effect where the video kinda stutters is ew

Try to sync with velocity/twixtor instead of chopping up the vid, emphasise hits by speeding them up and then slow them down afterwards

The camera was waaaaayy too close then at 0:21, zooming in and out like that in pan/crop isn't nice (You did it at 0:13)

Last CC/shader was too bright for the tori, could hardly see him

Disable resampling pls

Also turn on ray tracking pls
I do some videos
Feel free to PM me for any video-related questions
Way to steal someone's idea.

The original was made by Toriito

anyways, as your video was a poorly made copy, I don't have much to say.
the intro was boring, the clips were made in a really bad fps, try filming at 60 with raytracing. *(most likely your pc won't handle it at 60 fps, but if you set fraps to film at 20fps and make the video 3x faster, it will be perfect)
sync was no good and the CC was exactly like in Toriitos video.

as a video maker I understand you want to make a video that looks like someone you admire, but literally copying his idea won't take you far.
Last edited by Rial; Jun 23, 2014 at 03:49 PM.
Originally Posted by DatSkip View Post
I don't actually see anything that's "literally copied" except for the song.

the cc, the colors choice and the song seems a lot like toriito's video.

and the only thing in dark4425's video is cc, clips and song.
Well, he's a beginner at this, you can't expect him to throw out millions of effects.

Even if this WAS inspired off the other one, it isn't similar enough to say that he's blatantly copying the video. He's still using his own clips, putting his own cc on them and trying (kinda) to sync the stuff. I don't see the problem here.
I do some videos
Feel free to PM me for any video-related questions
Originally Posted by DatSkip View Post
Well, he's a beginner at this, you can't expect him to throw out millions of effects.

Even if this WAS inspired off the other one, it isn't similar enough to say that he's blatantly copying the video. He's still using his own clips, putting his own cc on them and trying (kinda) to sync the stuff. I don't see the problem here.

copying ideas =/= copying the video. anyways, on my post I gave some advices on what I think he should improve for now.
Hmm, anyway, i don't really care if it was someone else's idea, he didn't take any ones exact replays, so i don't care anyway, just because he used someone else's songs and was inspired by another persons videos, it doesn't mean he's claiming it as his own original idea, movies do it all the time, deal with it, let I'm do what he wants, watch the video, and stop bitching, the kids a beginner don't expect some random epiphany of great ideas on his first video...on to the Cnc

Way too bright at some parts, like ouch..
There were a couple random glitchy segments.
The slow motion was hella Laggy, (i have the same problems don't worry)
The camera movement was strange....zooming in and panning away like a kid with a short attention span. and the sync was pretty not good, work on that.

Anyway good luck and good job keep it up BRAH
Last edited by matarika; Jun 23, 2014 at 11:22 PM.
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