Original Post
[S] Full Pure and my Deactivated
TC and Items accepted.

Full Pure is held on Abyss' account.

Offer, will haggle.
Pickled is alright
And fresh is quite a delight
yesh I am holding the full pure for this man. Its in the bottom of my deactivated.
I'm a game developer for other games.
Ping me if you have a query or general question unrelated to this game.
Nuggets wins the #BestOffer2014 award.
Last edited by Donut; Jul 21, 2014 at 04:47 PM.
Pickled is alright
And fresh is quite a delight
Originally Posted by Lapsus
C) Do not attempt to sell, or pay with items or Toricredits that are not in the inventory of the account that is posting. No; "It's in a bank account". This also covers the sale of items currently in the market.

feel free to make another thread to sell your deactivated though
lead Sigma