Sorry guys I need to leave because I don't play toribash. If somebody want's my account just pm me. I will give it for free. I'm leaving because i play a mmo game called Talisman Online with my friends. I love you guys but you don't need me. It was good to be with you. Farewell Danvari
TheSev name sucks alot. Sev was better. Thanks for avatar EchoMarine i'm still using it on other forums. I'm loyal to Guardians, but I stoped to play the game. So maybe other time. Wildfire16 tobie też dziękuje zawsze byłeś moim kumplem i będziesz. Herszt ty też. Good Luck Guardians. Bye Shadowmage, Echomarine, ReymingZ(f*** TheSev :P), WildFire16, HersztPL, ilfreddo, xFlame. Bye and good lucke one more time. I will love you guys alltime and I will be back. I always wanted to say this. Next time in my next account(maybe) I will try harder to get to the Guardians. Guardians4ever. I love you guys. Farewell