[R] MC Org Header (15k Payment)
Size: 500-600px. (horizantly) x 200-300px. (vertically)
Style: Vectors, Smooth, 2D art style.
Colors: Whites, blacks, and grays for borders, and use a green color that has is dulled down a bit with gray.
Payment: 15k
Text: Have it say "Minecraft Org" on it.
Description: So what I would like is a main banner for my minecraft org. I want it to say "Minecraft Org" on the bottom in a reasonably large font. I'd like that text to be a dulled green and then above it I want a 2d image of a Tori that is holding a gray block. An example would be the
TA banner. But don't plagariase and copy any of that, I want your own unique style too.