OK well then everyone just fucken send me a pic of there pose and see how shit it looks! have you guys seen the DAT videos? well take a fucken look at it and then decide what the fuck you want to do! so yeah lets fuck up the clan photo,everyone send me there images of there pose and lets see how awsome it is!
Troll much?
Listen guys. I just got back from a class trip out in the Swedish archipelago, my head aches and alot of bullshit's going on in our forums.
I've got something to say to three persons.
1. Coke:
I'm tired of your trying to boss everyone around. I'm tired of your falseness which whom everyone can see through. All your talk about "alliances makes us weak, war makes us strong bla bla bla" is pathetic. You clearly do not have an ounce of experience when you in fact act waaay younger than your age. You should learn from RDM who is mature for a 12 year old(but still a 12 year old). And I doubt I'm alone having had enough of your little games and brown nosing(ass kissing). Two alternatives for your own sake;
1. Calm down and stay low, for gods sake.
2. Leave this clan and spare the rest of us the trouble, if not the bad reputation you're giving us currently.
Where the hell are your morals and limits?
2. Ragdollmaster:
Please do not act like you are our leader unless you are. Please do not try to act like an adult. Why? Because your impression of adult's behaviours is incorrect. Before you insult the whole clan again, keep in mind that there are members with high levels of insight and do not need your flaming, pushing and bossing, at all(although it is appreciated sometimes try to limit it a bit). Also keep in mind, if you are going to argue with me, which I assume you probably are(because you're 12 and you need to prove yourself constantly), I am not English/American at all and pointing out errors/imperfections in this post will neither prove your superiority in English nor on the Internet.
In one way or another, we're all trolls. Some of us are huge-ass fat trolls that reacts to your-mother-jokes in a nuclear-bomb-like reaction, or small ones that simply just has enough of retards. As they say, do not feed the troll.
P.S I am not your enemy, I'm simply trying to make you understand my point of view, which is probably the majority's point of view(correct me if I am wrong).
Last but not least, KomodoKid (a.k.a Frost-Dragon):
I do not know you, but my impression of you tells me the following:
You can not let things go. You can NOT accept losses. You flame people for petty reasons. You are arrogant(and VERY much so). You can not handle the truth if you do not approve it. When you think everyone's against you, you attack innocent(by flaming them) for, yet again, no reason.
wow misan its his personality u cant change him to what u think is better if u dont want him then u gtfo out of the clan ive been looking around the forums and coke is a good member in TTF if u dont like him thats ure personal thought and keep it to yourself you cant speak on behalf of the others.
btw soz for the invade :P