Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
[SELL]Sold out gladiator / Chronos / Marine / Orc
Orc Blood - 40 TC
Orc DQ - 7 TC
Orc Secondary - 20 TC
Marine Secondary - 450 TC
Marine Relax - 1400 TC
Gladiator Ghost - 150 TC (It's sold out)
Gladiator Force - 300 TC (It's sold out)
Chronos Blood - 20 TC
Chronos Force - 20 TC
Chronos Relax - 20 TC
Chronos Torso - 40 TC

The following are not in the market,unless I get a good trade.

Aqua Secondary Gradient
Gaia Ghost
Gladiator Blood
Gladiator Relax
Marine Grip Color
Marine Primary Gradient
Marine Secondary Gradient
Radioactive force
Radioactive Torso
Sorry doesn't work like that.
Don't worry I won't rip you off,as the admins have proof that I ripped you off and the will give you your TCs back.

Send me another 125,and then I will.
Now i havent got them, i have 3.

So, gimme back my 125, i'll pay u later.

Or, gimme item, and i'll pay u later ;)

So i'll buy it later ;)
Last edited by MatmaRex; Sep 1, 2008 at 05:04 PM.