Original Post
[S]Ecchi's Deactive
Please Put what you want to buy and the amount you want to buy it for, i will tell you if i will accept the price or i might just wait a bit and see if anyone goes higher than your bid, If you want to buy all of my deactive You have to At least put 15,000 TC Not accepting any lower, Only Accepting TC For Everything.
Last edited by Ecchi; Nov 7, 2014 at 05:42 PM.
Hunter Primary Gradient - 1.3k
Hunter Secondary Gradient - 1.3k
Right Pec Texture - 1.5k
Adamantium Force - 4.5k
"vou encotra ele para matar ele ja que ele tanto que me mata deve ser um cara que eu matei muito ele apelo." ~ BichoPRO.
ok, sending 5200 for adamantium force.
"vou encotra ele para matar ele ja que ele tanto que me mata deve ser um cara que eu matei muito ele apelo." ~ BichoPRO.