Need tutor for parkour
Yes i need a tutor for parkouring, ive seen videos of parkour tutorial in youtube but it doesnt seem helpful to me, what i want to learn about it? I want to learn on : how to go back on foot after jumping, i also want to know how to do the run that can work on all parkour maps, i tried the running tutorial on man on fire film's video, it does work but only for a few maps like xspar,parkour_city_b..
It doesnt work on parkour city a, so yeah if you have a run that works on both parkour city b and a i would like to be teached, and final, i would like to learn how to do various jump styles, yes ive tried alot of times in singleplayer, i cant do a long,high jump.. Well i could but it wont land me in a place i want to be in, and thats all, if youre interested to be my tutor i would be more then thankful, pm me if interested and thanks.