Original Post
Add Punctuation to Tc Amount ingame
Yea. Please.

instead of 1058000

make it 1,058,000TC

It's just easier to read... Idk maybe i have OCD.. or maybe other people would like the simple change aswell...

Would be simple to Implement, easy to code.

And a Great change to The ingame Layout, lol.
Last edited by Amusin; Feb 12, 2015 at 08:02 PM.
Not to be negative, but the support team IS very small and don't want to fix your OCD problems. Not Supported.

Lazors Moderated Message:
reminder for all to read the rules and not make useless posts, 10 posts has already been deleted for that reason
Last edited by Lazors; Feb 13, 2015 at 06:46 PM.
I'm just gamin' man
It's not even about OCD it's just hard to read... And punctuation would look a little more professional instead of just one big number...

I mean we added 3-d objects... we cant put a couple commas inbetween numbers? lol