Name/Username: HaHaLOLOL/Dominic
Age: 13
GMT: (UTC) Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London
Country: Northern Ireland
Are you active and have an interest in games: Yes I am active every day for around 5 hours
What other online games do you play/enjoy: Minecraft, Call Of Duty, Minibash ETC.
Describe your activity on forum and in game: My forum Activity is great, my posting activity not so much but I am VERY active In-Game and have progressed a lot since the last time you guys in Roman saw me
Will you be participating in wars or events: I will participate in every war/event I can but due to my TimeZone and most of the clans I don't know as of now.
Why have you decided to join Romanoru: Well as Boaplitas may know, I was in Roman before and I promised some TC into the bank then I left un-expectadly and I just saw that Roman was still going and I wanted in, I also have a friend in the clan TheCobras he is currently banned but yeah, I feel I can make a difference to this clan and I can really help, and I have left my clan hopping ways behind me and it shall not happen again