FNugget's Beliefs
Rules: FNugget must be allowed 1 post per page. That means for example, you all can only go up to post 19, then you have to wait for me.
The logic that created my belief: A lot of people believe that there is an all powerful deity who many call God, so that is what I will use. A lot of people believe in science, things like the third law of thermo where energy in not destroyed or created, but conserved through transformation. I know that's not hard fact, but I have a way to console the two. The definition of a universe is a container which includes all energy that exists. This flies in the face of God, as if God was all powerful, the universe ought not to be bigger than Him (I'm not sexist, it's just how many refer to God). Also, God cannot exist outside the universe, as that breaks science. Therefore, the only way both beliefs can exist is that the two are equivalent.
That's right, God is the universe and vice versa. So what does that do? A lot. For one, that means we humans are a small part of All, the term I will use to refer to God/Universe. Perhaps that explains why God is often referred to as father. What about morals? One part of All ought to not harm another part of All. It's basic survival. The origin of All? Not sure, but I'll elude to the big bang. At some point in time, All was contained within a singularity. You, me, and everything else was once the same, until we were flung apart physically. This also plays to morals as a reason everyone should respect one another.
Hmm, I'm all out of thoughts to tell you all right now, so discuss, argue against, or ask me a question and I will answer. Just remember that rule about posts and leave me room to respond, so this train doesn't go everywhere. Also please keep opinions to other replies to a minimum.