Original Post
Replays doesn't save!
I'm bored that, sometimes, when i save a replay it saves as: "replay" without ".rpl" and its empty.... (0kb)... i don't know if you get this error...

I lost today 4 replays with this fucking bug. 1 of them was a good madman with a lot of editing... and autosave didn't work too!! i couldn't save it
failed to load texture data/textures//award_igf
failed to load texture data/textures//award_pcformat
failed to load texture data/textures//award_pcgamer
failed to load texture data/textures//award_sga
failed to load texture data/textures//award_slamdance
failed to load texture data/textures//award_igf
failed to load texture data/textures//award_pcformat
failed to load texture data/textures//award_pcgamer
failed to load texture data/textures//award_sga
failed to load texture data/textures//award_slamdance
Fluid blood supported (level 4 of 4)
Ambient Occlusion + Bumpmapping supported (level 12 of 12)
Buffer 0 is dimensions 200 150
Buffer 1 is dimensions 2048 2048
no such key sumo
no such key rpg
no such key sumo
no such key rpg

