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[Music] Ocean - Wild West Ft. Casey Woodford, a song by me and Manta
Hey guys! Here's a song I made with Manta,
Ocean - Wild West Ft. Casey Woodford
Here's the soundlcoud link

Genre is Melbourne Bounce
Tell me what you think, thanks!
Last edited by Vitta; Apr 24, 2015 at 08:13 PM.
i've told you before i hate melbourne drops, but i liked this

sweet job brandwhore and manta <3
"No mortal arse can quench my thirst."
Originally Posted by Cariboon View Post
i've told you before i hate melbourne drops, but i liked this

sweet job brandwhore and manta <3

Well that's good news
Thanks brandwhore! Maybe you should listen to it more and let it grow on you...
I am not one for liking edm.
This song has turned me :o
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Man I just can't stand the off-beat drums just before the drop. Everything is GORGEOUS except for that imo..
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i love the song :3

like ezio said, the off-set drums are a little weird. they probably could've used variation.
the sound at the end part of the chorus didn't really fit in with the track theme imo.