Re: Member List
Well, here's how [CBK] does it...
Step 1. Say you want to be in the clan.
Step 2. ManBreakfast/Imsku analyze the way you speak, how you act, etc.
Step 3. You then fight either ManBreakfast or Imsku. There is one specific thing we look for in the fight that automatically gets you in... but we're not telling you what that is.
Step 4. If you win the fight (properly, not by simple luck) then you're in. If you lose but you fulfill the secret requirement, you're in. If you lose and do not meet the secret requirement, you might still be in, based on your personality. And if we just don't like you and you lose, you're not in.
Step 5. Swear your allegiance to ManBreakfast, and obey. OBEY
Step 6. Maybe.. dance party?
Step 7. Go fight for [CBK], etc.
7 easy steps. And the fight is really just a formality nowadays, used for tradition's sake.