Originally Posted by
3rd nobody cares about dates and it really clutters it up. Also if you have smilies enabled its :3 central
Yeah, I noticed that when I was working on the forums. At the moment I am trying to complete the list on a text document, but I will keep that in mind when I make the final thread.
Originally Posted by
any one works just fine.
Btw can u do stuff like for items.
For example i am very intrested to know where itwms are.
For eample lets pick demon force.
U can see that there is x number of demon forces.
Can u find out how many of that x number is in banned accounts.
Or who owns all yhe demon forces and links to the user id...so you can see ifbits banned or inactive for a very long time?
This would be helpfull if u are intrested in buying stuff in bulk, so you get an ifea of how much stuff there acti is in circulation, on user acounts and how much is actually lost in banned and unused acc??
At the moment of this post, the most recent item ID is 3798636 which means there are around 3,798,636 items that have at one point existed. As I said before, I don't know scripting, so I am doing this and my
list of ToriShop items by hand. It's an alright idea, I have considered it, but I decided not to because it wouldn't be as useful, and it would take an impossibly long time to complete.
Also you would just use it to profit by buying as many of the available, for example, Demon Forces, as possible.
Last edited by Shmevin; Jun 12, 2015 at 06:58 PM.