Original Post
[S] HD Taroni Set 512x512
Artist: Taroni
Previous Owner: Zero/Socraties
It's 512x512

USD only

The screenshots don't do the set justice, DL and LP stinkynice ingame to get a better view of it.,R1WyciB,DphJLOn,QsOMu6v

use arrow keys to view each picture.
Last edited by gottabnice; Jul 2, 2015 at 04:16 AM.
Yooo....I hate to burst your bubble, but I'm the owner this set, I bought it from Insanity months ago on my banned account called Orbus....
I dunno how we are going to resolve this, but it's either, I got scammed, or you got scammed...Either way Zero isn't exactly a trust worthy individual, but who knows?