Hi I need serious help. This is my 3rd account and I joined somewhere between 2012-2013 but I still dont know anything about this game. I have no patience if thats the problem. So I would really want someone to teach me the game aslo sparring Xd
my time zone is EST
Cause im swedish.
Last edited by BeCursed; Jul 24, 2015 at 06:16 PM.
Reason: Added Replays
you have to have patience when sparring
i'm a bad example, but i've been trying to make replays for like half a year and i'm not content with anything i make at all, but i'm still trying i guess
I agree with kacperunio, play a bit of multiplayer until you learn the joints, then ease your way into sparring/tricking/ect. It takes a lot of time to get really good at making nice and realistic replays when sparring/parkouring. Patience is key.
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