Here open this
tell me what you'd use ever use it for unless you're going to study something math related, I'm interested.
basic maths like calculating sizes and converting units are very important in my opinion.
Really? Algebra is the most useless?
Algebra teaches basic ideas of abstraction and generalization that are necessary for any study of math, science, engineering, economics, I could go on but we'd be here for a while.
If you don't understand why being able to generalize 1+1=2 to x+x=2x and then reversing the process to solve for x might be important somewhere down the line then you're either not far enough in your education to get it, which is fine but you should trust me that it's going to be important, or you actually "want to work at mcdonalds" in which case I'm gonna back up so I don't disturb your little bubble.
*Pulls more tail then a special needs child at the petting zoo*