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Someone is Hacking ME! Admins only
Hi guys, i think someone is hacking me look, i have a 200+ booster and i play and then when i quit the game and then enter in few hours my tc dissappears
Help pls
You sended some stuff to XTinchoX so its probably just you that forgot you sent the stuff

But if you need help then just PM a admin
I know, i phoned my friend and he told me he used my account to buy some things now we are trying to solve the problem ! Thx anyway
Ummm haha can you not see what is happening here? your "friend" is buying stuff with your account and sending it to himself and your not allowed to do this account sharing. iv seen this happen before with my friend he thought he knew someone and then one day all his stuff was gone and he got scammed so. :/
|Jacklox2| |Frost| |MrBeany| |Nugget| |Sheetboy| xFIRExGAME |
Originally Posted by KDigityDog View Post
Ummm haha can you not see what is happening here? your "friend" is buying stuff with your account and sending it to himself and your not allowed to do this account sharing. iv seen this happen before with my friend he thought he knew someone and then one day all his stuff was gone and he got scammed so. :/

This was already answered, by himself, actually.
Nobody gets my references.
Any tree can drop an apple. I'll drop the freaking moon!