Original Post
I got a small question.
Idk why but sometimes peoples just kick you withtout a reason
Or when your midgame they kick you is that realy legal ?.

If its's not i bet the GM to check the players that do this cuz like this we cannot have a fun server.

Or they must start to put toribash the old ways it was.

Thanks for Anwering my question.
| GATA | Guild Wars 2 | Anime United |
No, it is not exactly "right" or legal to kick in the middle of the match. That is poor sportsmanship. If you have any problems with recurring users who do this screenshot what happened in game when they kicked you and PM them to a ToriAgent.

Hmm, another thing on this topic, does that apply say if a TA hates you, its power abusing if he continually kicks you from servers right? This has not happened to me, im just curious.
I guess if you were not causing any harm/flaming/spamming/trolling then yes, if they kicked you then that would be Power Abuse.

in the same topic sum people just leave right before the game ends this is just a suggestion but could the tori agents make sum thing if a person leaves during a match the other person immediately wins