Original Post
[S] Awesome 512x512 set.
Hello , its my first texture set i a lot of time ago
Previous owner : RushPL
Artist : RushPL
min prize 50k
min bet 500tc
autobuy 110k
recolors ? No < its Fire and ice dude >
Last edited by RushPL; Oct 20, 2015 at 10:56 PM.
Oh i didnt knew that. Do you Can send me a rule on priv ? or link to rules ? well if i find this rule i will make my own. i just copied and upraged these pictures . sorry for my bad if You're right xd
You're right dude, Ty . when i end school ( 4pm ) i will edit post and put here links to thay images ;)
if i made a texture i cant sold because i " stole " without permissions some images i upgraded and putted iinside this texture, i would be greatfull if GM delete my post ,). That would be a signal for me to change these legs ;)
Last edited by RushPL; Oct 21, 2015 at 09:04 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Ok, since you recognized you were wrong I will just close this thread and ask you to read the market rules so that you can avoid doing something wrong in the future.

read me before posting

For the other guys, when you see someone doing something wrong, just use the report button instead of posting in the thread. If you want to help the person, just send a private message. Please be more careful next time.
