Original Post
[S] Custom Banners/Ad's for the "Player Sponsored Banners"

I make GFX stuff and have had a ton of work with making banners and logos and such.

Sir's stuff about the event if youre curious.


Previous work is N/A because lack of the event before hand.
Because of that the 1st banner will be free of charge.

PRICES: 1-10k. Depending on some stuff... most of the time it should be cheap.

Average time for completion should be around a day... and quicker if I have you added on skype (Quick sending of WIP's and cnc). You can also PM me.

PS: If youre a friend I will do it for free if I have the time.
Last edited by Ocean; Oct 22, 2015 at 06:41 PM.
I'll write you a message on skype about this. May you tell me your name Via PM?
Chara: "Who knew people can have periods from their chests?"
Making a template for the banners now.
Now taking requests.
Last edited by Ocean; Oct 22, 2015 at 06:41 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump