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The world bank
The World Bank Group is a non-profit international organization founded in 1945 which provides loans, grants, and development assistance to developing countries. The World Bank seeks further to involve partners in the launching of a new Internet portal site, The Global Development Gateway, which would bring together collaborators on the best of development knowledge. Other information initiatives underway to share the World Bank's global development expertise include the Archives of Development project, the World Development Sources, and others available via the organization's web site.

Inspire Internet Marketing
My grandfather actually worked for the world bank, he went to South America and places like that, basically pimping its benefits to the townsfolk in small villages nd such. What the World Bank does not tell you, is that through clever marketing they put already poverty stricken areas into debt.

The cycle usually goes like this.
WB Salesman: Basically, we give you all the potato seeds, and you sell them and pay us back in cash.
Villager: Yeah, sounds great. I'll do that now.

Then the seeds grow, the villager goes to the nearest town and this happens:
Villager: I have a lot of potatoes here I need to sell.
Shop Owner: For what? We can trade you for rice or grain, take your pick.
Villager: We don't want rice or grain, we want money!
Shop Owner: No one here uses money, you can't get money here for these.

That's the exact scenario that caused my grandfather to quit. He saw what the already gormandized World Bank was doing, and he felt morally obliged to resign.

Point being, that it is not non-profit, it is basically a debt-generating and collecting agency. It is one nasty little bugger.

Yeah, I also just watched Zeitgeist 2. ~Dalir
Last edited by dalir; Oct 5, 2008 at 08:30 AM.
I'd like to see Hulk get so pissed that he exits his physical body.
Instead of being powered by psychic energy or whatever, he's powered by ARRRGH FUCK YOU
I haven't watched it yet, for your information, Dalir. Ask my bro, ofphailure about my grandad as well. I WAS about to download Zeitgeist 2 tonight, thank you for reminding me. I'm looking foward to it.

BTW, I don't know if you're thinking of the World Bank or the Federal Reserve.
Time to go watch Zeitgeist 2.
I'd like to see Hulk get so pissed that he exits his physical body.
Instead of being powered by psychic energy or whatever, he's powered by ARRRGH FUCK YOU
i will send money............................................. ...................................... NOT

~User infracted for reviving an old useless thread. -Fyerrblad
This is the kind of thing that makes me lose faith in the human race. Corporations hellbent on fucking people over and fiscally draining them for everything they're worth.
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o7[OLDA] pride, world wide o7

He who was the butt of the joke reserves no right to say "that wasn't funny."