I would like to know how to parkour all I know is how to do the YouTube rund but not even good, i could rund for like 3,4 steps straight until i change directions. My steam is MetorphiumVFX
You are requesting something that cannot be taught. I would recommend you to watch Mocucha's tutorials if you have not done it yet and replays from other parkourers. Practice makes perfection so be patient, keep trying and you will improve eventually.
>you are requesting something that cannot be taught
i'm tired of all these guy constantly saying that this shit can't be taught. you can be taught to do something, but you have to take time to improve. the shit is useless, when someone completely disregards you and just says "yeah it can't be done"
i would much prefer if you added me since i barely use steam so i could talk to you easier, pm me your skype if you want to add me
I'm in the same boat, I'm super new, but what got me into toribash was those awesome parkour/spar videos. Would love to know how to do it, I can run for like 3-5 steps then I sorta just slip. Is parkour just something that you try later on in the game,mor can a beginner prepared to learn do it? Any advice or help would be appreciated
Soo, basiclly its as far as i know learn by doing you at some point learn how to avoid specific Problems at when you trained alot then you know how to manage things like falling over. I would recommend that you first learn how your tori works, that you know what would happpen if you extend those joints without having to watch the ghost first
I can teach you to run, basic misc. flips and how to re-gain balance (Easy Stuff) However I believe that if you pursue parkour it would be important to insert your own style of making it around the maps and general movement. PM me if you're interested
Like iiTrick said the only things that some one can show you are Basic running launchers
flips and even the balance thing thats a little sketchy when someone is trying to show you
when i was a brown/black belt i started in sparring and parkouring (im not a swexx yet but i can) and i stuck with it for a couple of months and the only thing that i was taught
was a very nooby and basic run and i expanded from there so really you need to learn on your own and there are hundreds of parkour maps for beginners you just got to look around
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Yeah but even the little things like Balancing would be a nice start as i think im doing something wrong ... my record was 900 Running .. then i fell :P i will get some more noobyParkourMaps ;)
Okay... and whats your main? Because normally as a greenbelt youre just figuring out how to properly control your tori :X if youre talking about watching a youtube tutorial and immediatly be the 2nd Swexx then... im not really interested