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The (Dark) Brethren Recruitment/Application thread.

Welcome to the Recruitment page of The Dark Brethren. We are mainly looking for a any form of application(Bullet points, headings or free form. Up to you, but it's got to be good.) with key information that we cannot find with a quick search of your account. e.g. your real name, hobbies, Birthday, (if you want to go that personal) and a short Bio about you and your toribash life. Also if you have a special skill you can offer to the clan this will help you have a better chance on getting into the clan.
You must have fun playing toribash casually!
even if it is just once a week.
Replays aren't needed but it will speed up the process.

A good application ~ By Mastertron

Good luck!
Last edited by Mastertron; Jun 24, 2017 at 09:13 PM.
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Hello my real name is Fábio and i am 14 years old.
I am good on mushu mods, and I really like all the mods that involves swords. I have been playing toribash for 2 two years and I've made some friends on the game. In my time away from toribash i like to do some sports, like volleyball and skateboarding.
Death comes quickly to those who wait.
Thanks for reading my application!!!
Not really that much detail gone into your account really. it's a maybe
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◄●► Leader of (Dark) ◄●►
Hi my name is Johnny and I am 14 years old. I really like toribash. my first account was hacked so I had to make this one. I play football for my school. my favorite mods are judo and mushu but i also like playing other mods every once and a while. I used to be in a different clan but they were all inactive so i quit. If you want to test me just send a private message. This replay is kind of old because i don't record my replays often. thanks for looking at my application!
p.s. it is a mushu replay.
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yup.rpl (82.1 KB, 6 views)
Need a clan? make an application for Flaming-Infinity today at the link to the side.:)
Your replay isn't bad but it doesn't stand out from the croud tbh. basic open to stiff game-play. it's a maybe from me
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◄●► Leader of (Dark) ◄●►
Originally Posted by bigdogswag View Post
Like comon dude

Agreeing with this. It was a bit of a dickish move.. -_-
But ah well, still accepting requests.
Originally Posted by bigdogswag View Post
Like comon dude

invade - you're relatively new to tb and if I may say, not your place to spread opinions, friend.